With the rapid expansion of mobile access of the internet, your website design must evolve to adapt to the way in which the behavior of people using mobile devices differs from that of desktop users. These differences include:
* Different environments when accessing the web – While desktop access may occur in the relative quiet of the home or in the ambient noise of a coffee house, mobile users might access the internet as well as your site in a variety of less conducive situations such as bright sunlight, while standing at a noisy bus stop, while driving (not recommended), and a host of other venues that detract from the user’s overall attention and quality of interaction.
* Different use patterns – While desktop users are often characterized as having limited attention spans, their interactions once they decide to remain on a site are much longer in duration than mobile device users. One of the many reasons behind the difference in usage durations relates directly the differences in the context of access, as desktop users are typically stationary and focused on their interaction while mobile users are more often on the go, multitasking, and dealing with more distractions during their time on the web.
* Different objectives – The move to mobile by consumers isn’t the end of the desktop as there are still many activities where larger screens and keyboards are still preferred, such as for developing content, doing research, and other longer duration activities. Mobile users, on the other hand, are usually engaged for shorter time frames with specific tasks in mind.
Developing a website that caters to mobile device users will enhance their experience on your website. They may not be there for long, but they are soon to be your biggest group of customers.